The Swiss lighting brand RIBAG is well known for its radically stripped-to-the-bone luminaire-designs. Pure, clean and therefore timeless. I was looking for the same approach when asked to conceive a new publication for the brand.
My Fonts "JEFF" and "Amateur" now available at!
Starting from today, Amateur and JEFF can be bought on!
Go get it here:
JEFF, an uppercase display font
Amateur, the first font I ever designed!
New Logo for "Werber des Jahres" Award
Very happy to announce that I got asked to design the new Logo for "Egon", the award given to people with outstanding achievements in the field of advertising. The physical, three dimensional award trophy consists of a man (Egon) with a megaphone head. For the logo, I played with the outline of the trophy itself and placed the copy text as a shout out to compliment the message.
Introducing "JEFF", a brand new font.
After designing Amateur I felt like trying something else: designing a font using only one Illustrator brush-setting. JEFF is a font consisting of only uppercase glyphs, numbers and a few special characters.
It will soon be available for download on
"Amateur" font now up for download!
My first Font "Amateur" is now ready to download at! Also, if you want to buy a license for professional use, you can do so on!
I'm very trilled about this and also, I'm already working on a new font... so stay tuned...
"Florales" Repeatable Pattern
For Swiss Interior Designer Francesca Alder I created this repeatable Pattern. Designed to be lasered into the wooden surface of the welcome desk of a Hotel in the Swiss Alps. It consists of regional flowers and abstract mountaintops.
We won gold at the German Design Awards!
Together with 5 other designers and the innovative swiss carpenter company "Strasserthun" I created graphic patterns which were then engraved into wooden surfaces. It's quite a new technology working with laser and enabling the pattern to be engraved in various depts.
Pattern "Bandage" for Strasserthun
All the 6 Patterns
Welcome Amateur Font!
I designed my first font and it was a lot of fun! Using the simple yet powerful "Glyphs" app I created a set of upper- and lowercase characters including numbers and special glyphs. So, basically it's ready to use but far from perfect, hence the name "Amateur".
It will soon be free for download on