The Swiss lighting brand RIBAG is well known for its radically stripped-to-the-bone luminaire-designs. Pure, clean and therefore timeless. I was looking for the same approach when asked to conceive a new publication for the brand.
"Amateur" font now up for download!
My first Font "Amateur" is now ready to download at! Also, if you want to buy a license for professional use, you can do so on!
I'm very trilled about this and also, I'm already working on a new font... so stay tuned...
"Florales" Repeatable Pattern
For Swiss Interior Designer Francesca Alder I created this repeatable Pattern. Designed to be lasered into the wooden surface of the welcome desk of a Hotel in the Swiss Alps. It consists of regional flowers and abstract mountaintops.
We won gold at the German Design Awards!
Together with 5 other designers and the innovative swiss carpenter company "Strasserthun" I created graphic patterns which were then engraved into wooden surfaces. It's quite a new technology working with laser and enabling the pattern to be engraved in various depts.
Pattern "Bandage" for Strasserthun
All the 6 Patterns